Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic

Your Private GP service in Virginia Water Surrey

Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic is a long established, respected, reputable Private GP service

Our staff
Read doctor-produced health and medical information written for you to make informed decisions about your health concerns.

Dr John Harley


Dr Sahar Hassan


About Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic

Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic was founded over 50 years ago on the principal of serving patients and helping build our local community. Since then, we have earned the trust of our patients through our committed care and we have also established a strong network of leading consultants for patient referrals.

John and Sahar are highly experienced and respected Doctors who have worked in both Private and NHS medicine. Patients of the practice benefit from the well-established relationships with local and London Consultants that John and Sahar have developed over their careers.

The surgery caters for all types of General Practice and we have an excellent support team of Nurses and Receptionists as well.

We are friendly practice that delivers the highest standards of medicine.

Your Private GPs
OUR Services

Here are the services provided by our private doctors and practice nurse at Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic in Surrey. Please click on a service for more information.

Medicals - Personal and Company

Family Medicine

Genetic Screening

General Practice

Medicine - Dispensing

Laboratory Tests

Travel Health

Health vaccinations & therapeutic injections

Sexual Health Screening



Mental Health

  • Compassionate

    Providing empathetic and understanding care.

  • Tailored

    Customizing healthcare to individual preferences.

  • Inclusive

    Involving patients in decision-making processes.

  • Holistic

    Addressing the patient's physical, emotional, and social wellbeing.

  • Responsive

    Adapting care to changing needs and feadback.

  • Connections

    Our relationship with top Consultants, both in London and locally, is exemplary.
